Ice Hash

Papaya Punch 1.2g Green Unpressed Hash

per 1.2 g

THC: 668 mg per package



LINEAGE: Papaya and Purple Punch

TASTE: Fruity, Spicy, Citrusy

FEELING: Happy, Relaxed, Euphoric

FARM: Located in Humboldt



Cultivated Iin the fertile fields of Humboldt County, where lush green cannabis plants thrive against the backdrop of towering redwood forests, creating a picturesque landscape that blends natural beauty of sustainable farming practices.

Papaya Punch is a potent Indica-hybrid strain created by expertly blending Papaya and Purple Punch genetics. This strain is celebrated for its soothing, relaxing effects, coupled with a delightful aroma that marries fruity and cheesy notes. Its sweet and fruity flavor profile adds to its appeal, making it a delightful choice for rolling up a hash without concerns of excessive euphoria or anxiety. Papaya Punch dominant terpinoids are β-Caryophyllene (spicy, woody, dry, dusty and mildly sweet), Limonene (orangey, citrusy, sweet and tart) and Linalool (spicy, waxy, citrus and floral).

Nasha’s Green Label Hash is 1.2g of powdered hash packaged in a loose form straight from the drying process, that tends to melt and clump together if left at room temperature. It has a higher ratio of plant material to oil, similar to old-school hash. Commonly used to top bowls or added to joints for an added kick to your regular routine.

per pack

More about this strain: Papaya Punch

Papaya Punch is a cultivar of unknown origins thought to be a combination of Papaya and Purple Punch.

The top reported aromas of Papaya Punch are fruit candy and fresh berries. It is said to taste of berries with a hint of cheese.

Papaya Punch is a cultivar of unknown origins thought to be a combination of Papaya and Purple Punch.

The top reported aromas of Papaya Punch are fruit candy and fresh berries. It is said to taste of berries with a hint of cheese.